Senin, 30 November 2009

Soal TIK kelas 9 semester 1

01. Perangkat komputer terdiri dari perangkat keras (hardware), peranfgkat lunak software) dan manusia sebagai pemakai komputer (brainware). Diantara berikut ini yang termasuk perangkat lunak (software) adalah….
a. Operator, programmer, system analist
b. CPU, harddisk, floppy disk, prosessor
c. Prosessor, Dos, Windows, Linux
d. Sistem operasi, paket program, paket bahasa program, paket aplikasi
02. Berikut ini yang termasuk perangkat keras (hardware) adalah ….
a. Operator, programmer, system analist
b. CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse
c. Prosessor, Dos, Windows, Linux
d. Sistem operasi, paket program, paket bahasa program, paket aplikasi
03. Perangkat keras yang harus ditambahkan pada sebuah unit komputer agar dapat digunakan untuk mengakses internet ….
a. Modulator de modulator (Modem) c. NIC (Network Interface Card)
b. Hub atau konsentrator d. UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
04. Kecepatan transfer data dari sebuah modem diukur dengan kecepatan ….
a. Mega Hetz (MHz) c. Bits per second/bps
b. Kilo Bits d. Byte
05. Berikut ini yang merupakan perangkat lunak untuk akses internet yang digunakan untuk chatting adalah ….
a. Netscape c. MIRC
b. Microsoft Office d. Outlook Expres
06. Salah satu perangkat keras yang harus dipasang pada setiap CPU agar komputer yang satu dengan yang lainnya dapat saling berhubungan adalah ….
a. Modem c. NIC (Network Interface Card)
b. Hub Standard d. Protokol TCP/IP
07. Bila di rumah ada beberapa komputer dan kita ingin komputer satu dengan yang lainnya bisa saling berhubungan maka yang kita lakukan adalah membangun sebuah jaringan, jaringan tersebut adalah tipe jaringan ….
a. LAN c. Internet
b. MAN d. WAN
08. Perangkat penghubung antar workstation dengan server yang berfungsi sebagai mesin proktokol yang mengatur aktifitas komunikasi jaringan komputer adalah ….
a. HUB c. Kabel UTP
b. NIC d. Modem
09. Perangkat yang menyatukan kabel-kabel network dari tiap-tiap workstation, server atau perangkat lain dan juga berfungsi untuk menguatkan signal ….
a. HUB c. Kabel UTP
b. NIC d. Modem
10. Alat yang dipasang pada masing-masing ujung kabel sebagai pengikat untuk memper-mudah pemasangannya ke peralatan lain adalah ….
a. Hub c. Kabel UTP
b. NIC d. Konector RJ45
11. Pemasangan modem internal yang benar adalah ….
a. Berada dalam CPU dan terpisah dengan motherboard
b. Berada dalam CPU dan ditancapkan pada motherboard pada slot yang sesuai
c. Di luar CPU dan dihubungkan dengan sumber listrik
d. Di luar dan dihubungkan dengan CPU dengan kabel khusus
12. Pemasangan modem eksternal yang benar adalah ….
a. Berada dalam CPU di luar motherboard
b. Berada di luar CPU dan ditancapkan pada motherboard pada slot yang sesuai
c. Di luar CPU dan dihubungkan dengan sumber listrik
d. Di luar dan dihubungkan dengan CPU dengan kabel khusus
13. Perangkat lunak yang dibutuhkan pada saat menginstal modem adalah ….
a. Microsoft Windows
b. Disk Operating System (DOS)
c. Driver modem sesuai dengan merk dan type modem
d. Program utility
14. Agar komputer kita bisa terhubung dengan internet, maka kita harus berlangganan ke perusahaan penyedia jasa layanan internet. Perusahaan tersebut dikenal dengan istilah..
a. Warnet c. Telkomnet@instan
b. Indonet d. Internet Service Provider (ISP)
15. Bila kita mendaftarkan diri ke ISP Indonet, maka petugas pendaftar akan memberikan kepada kita ….
a. Nomor telepon Indonet yang dipakai untuk akses
b. Nomor telepon Indonet yang dipakai untuk akses dan User Name kita
c. Nomor telepon Indonet yang dipakai untuk akses, User Name dan Password yang akan kita gunakan
d. User Name dan Password saja
16. Nomor telepon yang digunakan untuk mengakses internet bila kita menggunakan ISP Telkomnet adalah ….
a. 080989999 c. 08098889
b. 08099998 d. 08098999
17. Setiap pemakai internet dengan ISP telkomnet harus memasukkan User Name yang sama yaitu….
a. Telkomnet c. telkomnet@instan
b. Telkomnet@instan d. Telkom@instan
18. Password yang digunakan untuk koneksi ke internet dengan ISP telkomnet adalah ….
a. Telkom c. telkomnet@instan
b. Telkomnet d. telkom
19. Langkah-langkah untuk menghubungkan komputer ke ISP adalah ….
a. Klik start, pilih setting, pilih dan klik control panel
b. Klik start, pilih setting, pilih dan klik control panel, pilih dan klik Network Connections
c. Klik ganda shortcut dial-up connection yang ada di desktop lalu klik Dial
d. Klik start, pilih setting, pilih dan klik Network Connections
20. Perangkat lunak berikut ini yang digunakan untuk menjalankan internet adalah ….
a. Microsoft Office c. Internet Explorer
b. Microsoft Windows d. telkomnet@instan
21. Untuk membuat koneksi baru yang kita pilih dan kita klik adalah ….
a. Local Area Connection c. Connect to the internet
b. Create a new connection d. File, pilih dan klik connect
22. Langkah mengakhiri internet agar hubungan komputer dengan ISP putus adalah ….
a. Menutup program Internet Explorer
b. Klik ganda ikon Dial-up Connection yang terdapat pada Taskbar, klik properties
c. Klik ganda ikon Dial-up Connection yang terdapat pada Taskbar, pilih dan klik Details
d. Klik ganda ikon Dial-up Connection yang terdapat pada Taskbar, lalu pilih dan klik Disconnect
23. Layanan di internet yang memberikan fasilitas bagi pengguna alat-alat elektronik tanpa kabel seperti handphone untuk dapat terkoneksi dengan internet disebut ….
a. Mobile banking c. Internet mobile
b. Internet banking d. Milis
24. Dengan perkembangan teknologi, pada saat ini siswa atau mahasiswa dapat mengakses informasi pelajaran atau perkuliahan seperti jadwal kuliah, jadwal ujian, materi kuliah dan sebagainya melalui internet, fasilitas ini disebut ….
a. Newsgroup c. Mailing List
b. Chatting d. Education (e-learning dan e-campus)
25. Proses mengambil data yang berupa teks, gambar, video, musik dan sebagainya dari internet untuk disimpan ke dalam komputer disebut ….
a. Upload c. Dial-up
b. Download d. On Line
26. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk keperluan membuka dan mengakses halaman internet disebut ….
a. Browsing c. Homepage
b. MIRC d. Browser
27. Suatu kegiatan menjelajah internet untuk mendapatkan informasi dikenal dengan istilah..
a. Search engine c. Find a web page
b. Hyperlink d. Browsing
28. Proses memasukkan user ID dan password pada saat akan mengakses sebuah layanan dikenal dengan istilah ….
a. Upload c. Dial-up
b. Login d. Download
29. Fasilitas di internet yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan teks atau suara di internet adalah ….
a. E-mail c. Mailing List
b. Telnet d. Chatting
30. Sedangkan fasilitas di internet yang digunakan untuk berkirim surat/berita dengan orang lain tanpa mengenal batas waktu adalah ….
a. E-mail c. Mailing List
b. Fax d. Chatting

Senin, 23 November 2009

Langkah-langkah menyeting koneksi Dial-Up

1. Koneksi Internet
Untuk koneksi internet secara dasar terdapat 2 macam koneksi:
a. Koneksi dengan saluran telepon
1. Koneksi dial up
Menggunakan telepon untuk melakukan koneksi ke ISP dengan menghubungi nomor telepon ISP via dial-up modem. Koneksi dengan metode ini paling mudah dilaksanakann, hingga biasanya jangkauan layanannya sangat luas.Kekurangan paling mendasar adalah masalah kecepatan koneksi, dan jika penagihan dilakukan berbasis waktu (time charge) biaya operasional bisa sangat mahal.
2. Koneksi Assymetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)
Cara kerjanya dengan menggunakansinyal frekuensi data transmisi tinggi di saluran telepon, pada bagian pelanggan dipasang splitter yang memisahkan sinyal frekuensi tinggi agar tidak mengganggu sinyal pembicaraan dan sinyal fungsi operasional pesawat telepon.
Koneksi dengan metode ini biaya operasionalnya lebih rendah namun biaya untuk mempersiapkan peralatan koneksi seprti modem, NIC, dan perkabelan cukup mahal.

Kabel Rj 11

b. Koneksi Wave LAN
Merupakan koneksi internet dengan menggunakan gelombang radio (Wave) untuk kemudian dihubungkan ke penyedia layanan internet..

2. Seting Peripheral
Untuk dapat menggunakan alat yang digunakan akses internet, sebelumnya perlu digunakan seting peripheral (peralatan) sehingga peralatannya dapat berfungsi. Berikut langkah-langkah penyetingan peralatan:
a. pasang modem ke komputer, baik internal maupun internal
b. nyalakan komputer dan perintahkan komputer untuk mengenali modem
adaun langkah-langkah untuk mengenali modem sebagai berikut:
1. start
2. control panel

3. pilih modem option
apabila modem telah terdeteksi, maka akan akan muncul jenis modem, jika belum maka pilih add dan ikuti instruksi selanjutnya.

4. Setting Koneksi Untuk Akses Internet dan Dial
Setelah seting modem, berajalan sukses, maka modem telah siap digunakan untuk akses internet.

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk menyeting koneksi untuk telkomnet instan:
1. start
2. control panel
3. pilih network conection

4. pilih create new connection
5. ikuti petunjuk pembuatan New Connection
6. pilih Connect to the internet
7. pilih set up my connection manually
8. pilih connect using a dial up modem

9. pada bagian ISP name, ketkkan telkomnet@instan.

10. Masukkan nomer telepon yang digunakan sebagai nomor telepon untuk koneksi isikan 080989999

11. pada bagian user name, ketikkan telkomnet@instan. Kemudian pada password dan konfirm password ketikkan telkom

12. untuk mengakhiri klik finish. Untuk menambahkan ikon telkomnet di dekstop, pilih opsi Add shortcut to this connection to my dekstop.

4. Mengelola koneksi internet dengan telkomnet instan
setelah setting koneksi internet ke telkomnet instan telah dibuat, maka selanjutnya bisa langsung digunakan untuk melakukan koneksi internet dengan menggunakan telkomnet instan.
Koneksi dapat dilakukan dengan mengklik ikon telkomnet di dekstop. Jika ikon di dekstop tidak tersedia, maka dapat dilakukan langkah-langkah berikut:
1. start > connent to > telkomnet
2. kemudian akan muncul jndela connect telkomnet

3. klik pilihan dial untuk menghubungkannya , akan muncul gambar berikut:

4. apabila koneksi berhasil, di pojok kanan bawah akan muncul ikon bahwa koneksi berhasil

Rabu, 11 November 2009


LeBron Raymone James (born December 30, 1984) is an American professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Nicknamed "King James", he was a three-time "Mr. Basketball" of Ohio in high school, and was highly promoted in the national media as a future NBA superstar while a sophomore at St. Vincent–St. Mary High School. At just 18, he was selected with the number one pick in the 2003 NBA Draft by the Cavaliers and signed a US$90 million shoe contract with Nike before his professional debut. Listed as a small forward, James has set numerous youngest player records since joining the league. He was named the NBA Rookie of the Year in 2003–04, NBA Most Valuable Player in 2008–09, and has been both All-NBA and an All-Star every season since 2005.

The focal point of the Cleveland offense, James has led the team to consecutive playoff appearances from 2006 through 2009. In 2007, the Cavaliers advanced to the Conference Finals for the first time since 1992 and to the NBA Finals for the first time in franchise history. James has also been a member of the USA national team, winning a bronze medal at the 2004 Olympics and gold at the 2008 Olympics.

NBA career

2003–04 season

James was selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers with the first overall pick in the 2003 NBA Draft. Facing the Sacramento Kings in his first NBA game, James recorded 25 points, 9 assists, 6 rebounds, and 4 steals and shot 60% from the floor.[7] After recording a season-high 41 points against the New Jersey Nets, James became the youngest player in league history to score at least 40 points in a game.[8] He averaged 20.9 points, 5.9 assists, and 5.5 rebounds per game for the season,[9] and was named 2003-04 NBA Rookie of the Year; becoming the first Cavalier and youngest NBA player to ever receive the award.[2] He joined Oscar Robertson and Michael Jordan as the only players in NBA history to average at least 20 points, 5 rebounds, and 5 assists per game in their rookie season.[2] The Cavaliers improved by 18 wins and concluded the regular season with a 35–47 record, but failed to make the playoffs.[10]

2004–05 season

In the 2004–05 season, James was selected to his first NBA All-Star Game and recorded 13 points, 6 assists, and 8 rebounds, as the Eastern All-Stars defeated the Western All-Stars 125–115.[11] During the season, James became the youngest player in league history to record a triple-double, score 50 points in a game, and make the All-NBA Team.[2] He averaged 27.2 points, 7.2 assists, 7.4 rebounds, and 2.2 steals per game.[9] However, the Cavaliers failed to reach the playoffs again and finished with a 42–40 regular season record.[12]

2005–06 season

In the 2005–06 season, James was elected to his second straight All-Star Game appearance and led the Eastern All-Stars to a 122–120 victory, with 29 points, 6 rebounds, and 2 assists. He became the youngest All-Star MVP at 21 years, 51 days.[13] He was named NBA Player of the Week for an unprecedented three consecutive weeks and concluded the season with five honors.[14] He scored 35 or more points in nine consecutive games and joined Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant as the only players since 1970 to accomplish the feat.[14] For the season, James averaged 31.4 points, 7.0 rebounds, and 6.6 assists per game,[9] and became the youngest player in NBA history to average at least 30 points. He also became the fourth player in NBA history to average more than 30 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists in a single season.[15] The Cavaliers made the playoffs for the first time since 1998,[16] and improved from a record of 17–65 in 2002–03 to 50–32 in 2005–06.[17]

Following the regular season, James was named as one of the candidates for the NBA Most Valuable Player Award. Although he finished second to Steve Nash of the Phoenix Suns in MVP voting, he was awarded co-MVP honors with Nash by The Sporting News; an award given by the publication that is based on the voting of thirty NBA general managers.[18]

James made his playoff debut against the Washington Wizards in 2006. He recorded a triple-double with 32 points, 11 assists and 11 rebounds, as the Cavaliers defeated the Wizards 97–86.[19] He joined Johnny McCarthy and Magic Johnson as the only players in NBA history to register a triple-double in their playoff debut.[19] For the series, James averaged 35.7 points, as the Cavaliers defeated the Wizards in six games.[20] In the process, however, James set a new record for turnovers in a 6-game series, with 34. In the second round of the playoffs, James and the Cavaliers lost in seven games to the defending Eastern Conference champion and divisional rival Detroit Pistons. James averaged 30.8 points, 8.1 rebounds, and 5.8 assists in the playoffs.[9]

At the end of the season, James negotiated a three-year contract extension, with a player option for a fourth year. The contract is worth $60 million and began at the start of the 2007–08 season.[21] Although it is for fewer years and less money than the maximum he could sign, it allows him the option of seeking a new contract worth more money as an unrestricted free agent following the 2010 season.[21]

2006–07 season

James in April 2007
James preparing to take a free throw against the Dallas Mavericks

James was elected to his third consecutive All-Star game appearance during the 2006–07 season. He played a game high 32 minutes and finished with 28 points, 6 rebounds, and 6 assists.[22] In the regular season, the Cavaliers tied the previous season's record with 50 wins and clinched the second seed of the Eastern Conference on the last day of the season.[23] For the season, James averaged 27.3 points, 6.7 rebounds, 6.0 assists, and 1.6 steals per game.[2] He joined Oscar Robertson as the only players in NBA history to average 27 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists for three consecutive years.[24]

In the first round of the 2007 NBA Playoffs, James led the Cavaliers to their first sweep in franchise history over the Washington Wizards in four games.[25] It was also the first time the franchise had won consecutive road playoff games.[25] For the series, James averaged 27.8 points, 7.5 assists, and 8.5 rebounds.[9] In the second round of the playoffs, James led the Cavaliers to a 4–2 series victory over the New Jersey Nets.[26] He averaged 25.0 points, 7.2 rebounds, and 8.6 assists in the series,[9] as the Cavaliers advanced to the Eastern Conference Finals for the first time in 15 years.[26]

In the Eastern Conference Finals, James led the Cavaliers from an 0–2 deficit against the Detroit Pistons to win the series in six games. His performance in Game 5 was especially memorable. James recorded a franchise-record 48 points on 54.5% field goal shooting, to go with 9 rebounds and 7 assists. In addition, James scored 29 of Cleveland's last 30 points, including the team's final 25 points in a double-overtime victory. He concluded the night with the game-winning lay-up with 2 seconds left.[27] NBA analyst Marv Albert referred to James's performance as "one of the greatest moments in postseason history," while color commentator Steve Kerr called it "Jordan-esque."[28]

In the 2007 NBA Finals, James averaged 22.0 points, 7.0 rebounds and 6.8 assists, as the Cavaliers were swept by the San Antonio Spurs, losing 4 consecutive games.[2] For the postseason, James averaged 25.1 points, 8.0 assists and 8.1 rebounds per game.[9] He set a franchise record for double-doubles in a playoff season with eight and became the first Cavalier and the first non-guard in NBA history to have at least seven assists in eight consecutive playoff games.[2]

2007–08 season

James drives to the basket in a game in April 2008.

In the 2007–08 season, James continued his dominant play, earning his fourth consecutive All-Star Game appearance[29] and once again positioning himself as one of the front runners for the NBA Most Valuable Player award. He won the 2008 All-Star Game MVP with 27 points, 8 rebounds, 9 assists, 2 blocks and 2 steals as the Eastern Conference All-Stars defeated their Western counterparts, 134–128.[30]

On February 19, 2008, James recorded his fifth triple-double of the 2007–08 season by putting up 26 points, 13 rebounds and 11 assists against the Houston Rockets. It was the fifteenth triple-double of his career. He is the third youngest player to post 15 triple-doubles, behind Oscar Robertson and Magic Johnson.[31] He scored his sixth triple-double of the season and sixteenth of his career against the Indiana Pacers the very next game. It was the second time during the season that he had a triple-double in back-to-back games. The last player to accomplish that feat was Magic Johnson in 1988.[32] James finished the season with seven triple-doubles, breaking his personal and team records for triple-doubles in a season and 17 career triple-doubles broke his team record as well.[33]

James taking part in his pre-game ritual of tossing crushed chalk in the air.

On February 27, 2008, against the Boston Celtics, James became the youngest person to score 10,000 points in his career at 23 years and 59 days, achieving the feat in style with a slam-dunk over 11-time All-Star Kevin Garnett, eclipsing the old mark by more than a year. James did so in 368 games, the ninth fastest in league history.[34][35] On March 5, 2008, James scored 50 points with 8 rebounds and 10 assists on the New York Knicks, becoming only the third player since the ABA-NBA merger to record a 50-point 10-assist game.[36] On March 21, 2008, James scored 29 points against the Toronto Raptors, taking him past Brad Daugherty's all-time Cavaliers scoring record of 10,389 points. Daugherty achieved this record over the course of 548 games, while James took only 380 games to score 10,414 points.[37]

All told, James propelled Cleveland to a 45–37 record, good for second place in the Central Division and the 4th seed in the Eastern Conference Playoffs. Prior to Cleveland's first-round series versus the Washington Wizards, Wizards guard Deshawn Stevenson said James was "overrated," prompting James to say that he would not return the insult, as that would be "almost like Jay-Z [responding to a negative comment] made by Soulja Boy."[38] In response, Soulja Boy himself made an appearance at Game 3 of the series (played in Washington) in support of the Wizards, and his music was played over the PA system.[39] James would later say that he meant no disrespect to Soulja Boy with his comment, and that his young son is a big fan of the rapper. Jay-Z responded by producing a freestyle version of the Too Short single "Blow the Whistle", named "Playoff", in which he "disses" Stevenson and Soulja Boy on James' behalf.[40][41] The Cavaliers would go on and win the series in 6 games (4–2), setting up a meeting with the Boston Celtics. The series was decided by the seventh game in Boston. James and opponent Paul Pierce each scored 40+ points, but the Cavaliers could not get a victory, thus losing the series (4–3).

2008–09 season

In the 2008-09 season James continued to improve facets of his game while setting new career highs. He had 23 chase-down blocks (93 blocks in total, a career-high) and improved his free-throw shooting (78.0%, a career-high, with league-leading 594 free-throws made).[42][43] He was the NBA Player of the Month four times, making him the second player in NBA history to do that after Kevin Garnett did so in his 2003-04 MVP season.[44] In addition, he became the fourth player in NBA history to lead his team in all five major statistical categories (total points, rebounds, assists, steals and blocks) in one season.[45]

James defending Paul Pierce of the Boston Celtics in October 2008

After a win on March 25 against the New Jersey Nets the Cleveland Cavaliers improved their record to 58–13 exceeding their previous franchise best of 57–25 set in the 1988-89 and 1991-92 NBA seasons. They ended the regular season with a league best of 66-16 after losing their final home game to the Philadelphia 76ers in overtime. The Cavaliers had a chance to tie the 1985-86 Boston Celtics for the all-time best NBA home record but ended at 39-2 after home losses to the Los Angeles Lakers and 76ers.

James dribbles the ball in a game in April 2009.

In the playoffs, the Cavaliers swept the Detroit Pistons in the first round of the 2009 NBA Playoffs. James averaged 32.0 points, 11.3 rebounds and 7.5 assists in the series and became just the third player in NBA history to average at least 30 points, 10 rebounds and seven assists in a postseason series. At the end of the last game, in which he tallied 36 points, 13 rebounds and 8 assists on 16-17 free throw shooting, there were MVP chants for him in The Palace of Auburn Hills.[46] On May 4, he was announced as the NBA Most Valuable Player. He became the youngest player as well as the first Cavaliers player in history to win the award.[47][48][49] He was also named to the NBA All-Defensive Team for the first time in his career.[50] In the next series in the playoffs, James once again led his team to a sweep against the Atlanta Hawks.[51]

On May 22, during Game 2 of the Eastern Conference Finals, the Orlando Magic's Hedo Türkoğlu shot a 12-foot jumper to give the Magic a 2-point lead with 1 second left. Following a Cleveland timeout, Williams inbounded the ball to James, but heavy defense by Türkoğlu denied James a chance at a tying layup. James then attempted and successfully made a three-point shot over Türkoğlu, giving the Cavs a 96–95 victory to tie the series 1–1.[52] Following losses in both games 3 and 4, James and the rest of the Cavs scored a victory in Game 5, making it 3–2, to send the series back to Orlando. In Game 6, he scored a playoff low 25 points and the Cavaliers lost the series to Orlando. Lebron's postgame behaviour incited some controversy when he left the game floor without shaking hands with his opponents. Jalen Rose, a former NBA player and current ESPN commentator, said James' actions were immature and ingracious. James later told reporters "It's hard for me to congratulate somebody after you just lose to them," he said. "I'm a winner. It's not being a poor sport or anything like that. If somebody beats you up, you're not going to congratulate them. ... I'm a competitor. That's what I do. It doesn't make sense for me to go over and shake somebody's hand."

United States national team

James goes up for a shot against China's Yao Ming in the Group B men's Olympic basketball game between the U.S. and China on August 10, 2008, at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing.
Medal record
Competitor for United States
Beijing Olympics Men's Semifinal Basketball USA huddle.jpg
Olympic Games
Gold 2008 Beijing Team competition
Bronze 2004 Athens Team competition
FIBA World Championship
Bronze 2006 Japan Team competition
FIBA Americas Championship
Gold 2007 Las Vegas Team competition

After his rookie season, James played on the 2004 U.S. Olympic basketball team in Athens, where the United States won the bronze medal in men's basketball. It was the first time a U.S. Olympic team with NBA players failed to win the gold medal. Limited to 14.6 minutes per game, James averaged just 5.8 points and 2.6 rebounds per game.[53] James also competed in the 2006 FIBA World Championship in Japan and averaged 13.9 points, 4.8 rebounds, and 4.1 assists per game.[54] However, the team finished with an 8–1 record, and was again awarded the bronze medal.[54] James was named as one of three captains for the 2006 USA Men's World Championship team, alongside Carmelo Anthony and Dwyane Wade.[55] After failing to win the 2006 World Championships, the team competed at the 2007 Tournament of Americas Olympic qualifiers to qualify for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. During the gold medal game against Argentina, James recorded 31 points, the most by an American in an Olympic qualifier, as the United States captured gold medal honors.[56] He averaged 18.1 points (on tournament-high field-goal percentage (76%) and three-point percentage (62.2%), 4.7 assists, 3.6 rebounds and 1.5 steals in 22.2 minutes per game.

James, along with the rest of Team USA reclaimed the gold medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, defeating Spain 118 to 107. He finished the gold medal game with 14 points along with 6 rebounds and 3 assists as the U.S. went unbeaten, winning their first Gold Medal since the 2000 Olympics.[57]

Senin, 09 November 2009


1. Siapkan 2 komputer / Laptop.

2. Network Card (LAN Card) kalo mainboard terbaru udah tersedia tuh, kalo belum ya beli aja di toko komputer.

3. kabel UTP dan Konektor RJ45

4. Tang Crimp khusus untuk membuat kabel LAN

5. Switch/HUB ( jika komputer yang akan di jaringkan lebih dari 2 komputer,